Accessory Workshops (Scroll down to get a place in workshop)
No active workshops are planned for now, but if you are interested give me a message if you are interested in one. We'll make it happen! I love designing and making accessories, but one day I decided that I should give my clients opportunity to see, understand and learn the process I am gong through, by creating accessory on their own. I decided that it could be the wonderful process of interaction between us. Just to sit around the table and get to know each other. This way I get to suck up so much of the inspiration, and the participants of the workshop gets to relax after the stressful day and create something for them selves, by also learning something new. Win - win situation for everyone!
I offer workshops of different length and different level of complexity:
- There is one that is 2 -3 h long, and offers a participant to make a small pin or earrings, choosing from already premade template, just to get a taste of the work I do to create my accessories.
- There is one that is a bit longer (4 - 5 h) and tho the content of the worshp is the same, participant can create a bit bigger accessory for them selves.
- Then there is one, that takes full day, during which the participant goes through hole process of creativity and design, starting from absolute scratch, with pen and paper and design, and ending up with the finished product.
* All of these workshops we can turn into a private parties as well, if you need some activities for birthdays, bachelorette or other parties with your friends.
For more questions and bookings contact me : malvine @ or SCROLL DOWN to get a place in the nearest workshop!
Here is what Ieva, a three time participant had to say about the workshop (in Latvian):
Ieva Lapiņa: "Malvīnes darbnīcās jau esmu "veterāne". Labi man tādas bijušas tikai trīs. Bet vienu es varu pateikt noteikti, smadzeņu šrubis tas ir pamatīgs. Liekas, ka neko jau tādu nedari, bet pēc trīs stundu darbošanās Malvīnes vadībā tik ļoti attīrīju prātu, ka pēc tam ar krutāko brošu galaktikā stāvēju krustojumā un domāju: "Nu kā?". Paldies Malvīnei par dalīšanos ar zināšanām, kuras nokopēt tāpat nevarēs neviens, tikai advancēt sev. Un tā arī ir viskrutāk."
Here you can buy the particiaption in one (or all) of the upcoming workshops happening here in Riga: