Reusable 100% cotton/ linen face masks - size Medium (women/ smaller face adults/ young adults/ teenagers))

Regular price €15.00

This face mask is in size M as a size for women, young adults or teenagers! 

Choose the colour (design) of the mask by choosing the number (from picture 2)!

Regarding the global situation connected with Covid 19, I have decided that I can use my skills to sew and make face masks!

About: The face masks are made from cotton or linen fabrics, using the leftover scraps from dresses and other designs (so, they are zero waste). The masks are reusable - after max.2 hour use wash it in hot water (using soap) and iron them on the hottest setting and steam. 

In each mask I have used 3 layers of the cotton fabric + each mask is has a layered pocket, so you can add additional layers of filter. Either you cut a paper towel and put it in, or cotton filter made from a cloth, or buy a special charcoal filter somewhere on internet (look for  PM2.5 Mask Filter)

There are 4 sizes for masks - size L (fore men), size M (for women and teenagers), size S (for kids 7 - 12 years old), XS (for kids 3 - 6 years old)

The protection: the face masks does not protect you from the Covid 19 virus. But they are considered to be a good barrier between individuals, because it stops the wide spread of the small droplets coming from your nose and mouth. It also reminds you not to touch your face with hands. 

Some useful links about face masks: